Sent by -Shruti Aggarwal
Your back is incredibly versatile. We adults, continue to take our backs for granted. We sit for hours at a time,which is extremely hard on the back.
Some back problem are serious,what can you do to get back in action is:
Spend a few days in bed if you are having more than mild pain. But don't lie around longer than that unless your doctor says so. Constant bed rest weakens muscles,which can make the pain worse.
Cool it: Several times a day, apply packs of ice wrapped in towels to your painful areas for sometime and repeat it several times.
Then warm it up: when the worst pain has died down, change your treatment to cold to hot. This will help improve blood circulation and allow the injury to heal more quickly.
Train your back to be ache resistant. Strengthen your back muscles and improve your overall flexibility.
Whenever possible, sit in chairs that provide good lower- back support and avoid back pain.
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