Friday, March 27, 2009
Thought for the day
"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams".
Ashley Smith Robinson
American Author and Speaker
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Contributed By - Shikha Aggarwal
A married lady was expecting a birthday gift from her husband. For many months she had admired a beautiful diamond ring in a showroom, and knowing her husband could afford it, she told him that was all she wanted.
As her birthday approached, this lady awaited signs that her husband had purchased the diamond ring. Finally, on the morning of her birthday, her husband called her into his study room. Her husband told her how proud he was to have such a good wife, and told her how much he loved her. He handed her a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, the wife opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the wife's name embossed in gold.
Angrily, she raised her voice to her husband and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible? And stormed out of the house, leaving her husband.
Many years passed and the lady was very successful in business.. She managed to settle for a more beautiful house and a wonderful family, but realized her ex-husband was very old, and thought perhaps she should go to visit him. She had not seen him for many years. But before she could make arrangements, she received a telegram telling her that her ex-husband had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to her. She needed to come back immediately and take care of things.
When she arrived at her ex-husband's house, sudden sadness and regret filled her heart. She began to search through her ex-husband's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as she had left it years before.
With tears, she opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. Her ex-husband had carefully underlined a verse, Matt 7:11, "And if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father, who is in heaven, give to those who ask Him?
"As she read those words, a tiny package dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a diamond ring, with her name engraved on it -- the same diamond ring which she saw at the showroom. On the tag was the date of her birth, and the words...'LUV U ALWAYS'..
. How many times do we miss God's blessings, because they are not packaged as we expected? I trust you enjoyed this. Pass it on to others.
Do not spoil what you have, by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched..
They must be felt with the heart.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thought for the day
"If you do not ask yourself what it is you know, you will go on listening to others and change will not come because you will not hear your own truth."
Sunday, March 15, 2009
ध्यान करिए और खुश रहिए
Contributed By - Sumit Aggarwal
मैं इन दिनों स्वामी बोधानंद लिखित पुस्तक ‘द गीता एंड मैनेजमेंट’ पढ़ रहा हूं। इसके अलावा पिछले सप्ताह मुंबई में मैंने ब्रह्मकुमारी द्वारा प्रस्तुत एक रूसी बैले के कार्यक्रम में हिस्सा भी लिया। इसी सप्ताह मेरी पत्नी श्री श्री रविशंकर के आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग से जुड़े एक कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने गई। उक्त तीन अलग-अलग कार्यक्रमों में एक समानता सामने आई। कोई एक ऐसी चीज है, जो इन्हें आपस में जोड़ने का काम करती है।
किताब के मुताबिक ध्यान इस व्यस्त जिंदगी में किसी इंसान को शांतचित्त और रचनात्मक बने रहने में मदद करता है। हर रोज ध्यान करने वाले न सिर्फ अच्छा स्वास्थ्य हासिल करते हैं, बल्कि उनका दिमाग भी तेज चलता है। इससे भी महत्वपूर्ण उनके भीतर अपने आसपास के लोगों के साथ सौहार्दपूर्ण वातावरण में रहने की इच्छी बलवती होती जाती है।
इस किताब में आगे बताया गया है कि नियमित ध्यान करने वाला कभी थकता भी नहीं है, हमेशा प्रेरित रहता है और लगातार किए जा रहे काम पर अपना फोकस बनाए रखता है। नियमित रूप से सुबह-शाम सिर्फ बीस मिनट ध्यान करने से ही अपेक्षित बदलाव आ सकते हैं। ब्रह्मकुमारी के कार्यक्रम में एक किस्से के जरिये बताया गया कि किस तरह हम अपने मन-मस्तिष्क पर बाहरी घटनाओं का प्रभाव पड़ने से रोक सकते हैं।
इसमें बताया गया कि नियमित रूप से कुछ घंटे राजयोग करने से खुशहाली हासिल की जा सकती है। दिन के चौबीस घंटे खुश रहना तो विद्यमान हालातों में संभव नहीं है, अत: राजयोग के जरिए पहले पहल कुछ घंटे खुशी हासिल कर सकते हैं। धीरे-धीरे यह अवधि बढ़ाई जा सकती है। वहां बताया गया कि अपने दिमाग पर नियंत्रण स्थापित कर और उसे दुनियावी बुराईयों की तरफ भटकने से रोककर हम ऐसा संभव कर सकते हैं।
चूंकि मेरी पत्नी श्री श्री रविशंकर के कार्यक्रम में भाग लेकर आई थीं, तो मैंने उनमें कई सकारात्मक बदलाव देखे। मैंने पाया कि अब वह हमारी किशोरवय बेटी को आसानी से संभाल सकती हैं।
जिन घरों में किशोरवय बच्चे होते हैं, वह इस बात को आसानी से समझ सकते हैं। फंडा यह है कि उक्त तीनों घटनाओं से पता चलता है कि नियमित ध्यान करने वाला कभी थकता नहीं है, हमेशा प्रेरित रहता है और वह पूर्णता का अहसास कर खुश भी रहता है। इसे एक बार करके देखने में क्या हर्ज है! आखिर इस कवायद से सिर्फ सकारात्मक चीजें ही तो मिलने वाली हैं, वह भी बगैर किसी साइड इफैक्ट के।
By - एन. रघुरामन
Friday, March 6, 2009
INDIA - Miniature Sheets

001-Nov 14, 1973 ........(1)
Indipex 73' India Exhibition
Indipex 73' India Exhibition
002-Apr 15, 1975 ..........(1)
003-Oct 10, 1974............ (1)
UPU Centenary
004-Jun 16, 1987 .........(1)
'India 89' world philatelic exhibition
005-Oct 15, 1987 ...........(1)
'India 89' world philatelic exhibition
006-Oct 2, 1995 ..........(1)
Mahatma Gandhi
007-May 10, 1996 ............(2)
Himalayan Ecology
008-Dec 15, 1997.......... (5)
Mother Teresa
009-Apr 07, 2000 -----------(2)
Indepex Asiana 2000 Asian International Philatelic Exhibition
010-Aug 24, 2000..........(10) Birds
Indepex Asiana 2000 Asian International Philatelic Exhibition
011-Dec 11. 2000 .........(5) Gems & jewellery
Indepex Asiana 2000 Asian International Philatelic Exhibition
012-Apr 16, 2002 ...........(6)
Indian Railways150 years
013-Apr 26, 2002 ..........(6)
India Japan Joint Issue
014Oct 30, 2002 (8)
015Nov 15, 2002 (9)
016Feb 05, 2003 (11)
Centenary of Man's First Flight
017Apr 07, 2003 (6)
Medicinal Plants
018May 15, 2003 (5)
Golden Voices of Yesteryears
019Mau 29, 2003 (2)
Conquest of Mount Everest, 50 years
020Jun 19, 2003 (3)
Chennai Museum
021Oct 03, 2003 (6)
022Nov 12, 2003 (1)
023Nov 29, 2003 (2)
India France Joint Issue
024Dec 22, 2003 (3)
Sangeet Natak Akademi
025Apr 25, 2004 (1)
INS Tarangini
026Jun 28, 2004 (2)
Trignometrical Survey
027Oct 04, 2004 (5)
India Post 150 years
028Oct 24, 2004 (6)
Indian Army in UN Peacekeeping Forces
029Nov 28, 2004 (5)
Agra Fort
030Dec 16, 2004 (3)
Taj Mahal
031Mar 24, 2005 (5)
Flora & Fauna of North East India
032Apr 05, 2005 (12)
Mahatma Gandhi's March to Dandi
033Oct 18, 2005 (11)
Letter Box - India Post 150 years
034Apr 12, 2006 (4)
India Cyprus joint Issue
035May 29, 2006 (5)
036Sep 11, 2006 (5)
India Mongolia Joint Issue
037Oct 5, 2006 (10)
Endangered Birds
038Nov 14, 2006 (5)
Children's Day
039Dec 13, 2006 (6)
Sandalwood Scented Stamp
040Feb 7, 2007 (21)
Roses Scented Stamps
041Feb 27, 2007 (11)
Fairs of India
042 -Mar 8, 2007 (2)
Women's Day
043 -May 2, 2007 (22)
044- Aug 09, 2007 (17)
1857 First War of Independence
045 -Aug 17, 2007 (2)
Landmark Bridges
046 October 2, 2007 (11)
Satyagraha Centenary Rs 20
047 -October 8, 2007 (4)
Indian Air Force 75 Years ......... Rs 30
048 - Oct 14, 2007 (7)
4th CISM Military World Games ....Rs 15
049- Nov 14, 2007 (10)
Children's Day .......Rs 10
050- Nov 22, 2007 (5)
Renewable Energy....... Rs 20
051- Jan 02, 2008 Butterflies (50)
Andaman & Nicobar Islands ...... Rs 20
052- March 18, 2008 (55)
Madhubala ........Rs 5
053-Apr 26, 2008 (44)
Jasmine .........Rs 20
054- May 17, 2008 (39)
Aga Khan Foundtion .......Rs 20
055- July 11, 2008 (39)
India China Joint Issue ........Rs 30
056-Aug 02, 2008
This item is Not Yet Available for Sale
at the Post officesAldabra Giant Tortoise
057- Aug 08, 2008 (87)
Games of 29th Olympiad .........Rs 40
05 -8Aug 12, 2008 (87)
Coast Guard ..............Rs 20
059- Oct 7, 2008 (145)
Festivals of India.............. Rs 15
060- Oct 12, 2008 (27)
3rd Commonwealth Youth Games Pune......... Rs 20
061-Oct 13, 2008 (20)
Philately Day .........Rs 15 ?
062-Oct 18, 2008 (32)
Delhi 2010 19th Commonwealth
Games .............Rs 20?
063-Nov 14, 2008 (39)
Children's Day .........Rs 15
064-Nov 16, 2008 (10)
Saint Alphonsa ............Rs 20 (?)
065-Nov 27, 2008 (19)
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National
Police Academy Hyderabad......... Rs 25
066- Dec 14, 2008 (20)
Indian Institute of Science ........Rs 25
067-Dec 22, 2008 (25)
BrahMos Missile .............Rs 25
068Jan 28, 2009 (50)
Heritage Monuments Preservation
by INTACH .............Rs 25
003-Oct 10, 1974............ (1)
UPU Centenary
004-Jun 16, 1987 .........(1)
'India 89' world philatelic exhibition
005-Oct 15, 1987 ...........(1)
'India 89' world philatelic exhibition
006-Oct 2, 1995 ..........(1)
Mahatma Gandhi
007-May 10, 1996 ............(2)
Himalayan Ecology
008-Dec 15, 1997.......... (5)
Mother Teresa
009-Apr 07, 2000 -----------(2)
Indepex Asiana 2000 Asian International Philatelic Exhibition
010-Aug 24, 2000..........(10) Birds
Indepex Asiana 2000 Asian International Philatelic Exhibition
011-Dec 11. 2000 .........(5) Gems & jewellery
Indepex Asiana 2000 Asian International Philatelic Exhibition
012-Apr 16, 2002 ...........(6)
Indian Railways150 years
013-Apr 26, 2002 ..........(6)
India Japan Joint Issue
014Oct 30, 2002 (8)
015Nov 15, 2002 (9)
016Feb 05, 2003 (11)
Centenary of Man's First Flight
017Apr 07, 2003 (6)
Medicinal Plants
018May 15, 2003 (5)
Golden Voices of Yesteryears
019Mau 29, 2003 (2)
Conquest of Mount Everest, 50 years
020Jun 19, 2003 (3)
Chennai Museum
021Oct 03, 2003 (6)
022Nov 12, 2003 (1)
023Nov 29, 2003 (2)
India France Joint Issue
024Dec 22, 2003 (3)
Sangeet Natak Akademi
025Apr 25, 2004 (1)
INS Tarangini
026Jun 28, 2004 (2)
Trignometrical Survey
027Oct 04, 2004 (5)
India Post 150 years
028Oct 24, 2004 (6)
Indian Army in UN Peacekeeping Forces
029Nov 28, 2004 (5)
Agra Fort
030Dec 16, 2004 (3)
Taj Mahal
031Mar 24, 2005 (5)
Flora & Fauna of North East India
032Apr 05, 2005 (12)
Mahatma Gandhi's March to Dandi
033Oct 18, 2005 (11)
Letter Box - India Post 150 years
034Apr 12, 2006 (4)
India Cyprus joint Issue
035May 29, 2006 (5)
036Sep 11, 2006 (5)
India Mongolia Joint Issue
037Oct 5, 2006 (10)
Endangered Birds
038Nov 14, 2006 (5)
Children's Day
039Dec 13, 2006 (6)
Sandalwood Scented Stamp
040Feb 7, 2007 (21)
Roses Scented Stamps
041Feb 27, 2007 (11)
Fairs of India
042 -Mar 8, 2007 (2)
Women's Day
043 -May 2, 2007 (22)
044- Aug 09, 2007 (17)
1857 First War of Independence
045 -Aug 17, 2007 (2)
Landmark Bridges
046 October 2, 2007 (11)
Satyagraha Centenary Rs 20
047 -October 8, 2007 (4)
Indian Air Force 75 Years ......... Rs 30
048 - Oct 14, 2007 (7)
4th CISM Military World Games ....Rs 15
049- Nov 14, 2007 (10)
Children's Day .......Rs 10
050- Nov 22, 2007 (5)
Renewable Energy....... Rs 20
051- Jan 02, 2008 Butterflies (50)
Andaman & Nicobar Islands ...... Rs 20
052- March 18, 2008 (55)
Madhubala ........Rs 5
053-Apr 26, 2008 (44)
Jasmine .........Rs 20
054- May 17, 2008 (39)
Aga Khan Foundtion .......Rs 20
055- July 11, 2008 (39)
India China Joint Issue ........Rs 30
056-Aug 02, 2008
This item is Not Yet Available for Sale
at the Post officesAldabra Giant Tortoise
057- Aug 08, 2008 (87)
Games of 29th Olympiad .........Rs 40
05 -8Aug 12, 2008 (87)
Coast Guard ..............Rs 20
059- Oct 7, 2008 (145)
Festivals of India.............. Rs 15
060- Oct 12, 2008 (27)
3rd Commonwealth Youth Games Pune......... Rs 20
061-Oct 13, 2008 (20)
Philately Day .........Rs 15 ?
062-Oct 18, 2008 (32)
Delhi 2010 19th Commonwealth
Games .............Rs 20?
063-Nov 14, 2008 (39)
Children's Day .........Rs 15
064-Nov 16, 2008 (10)
Saint Alphonsa ............Rs 20 (?)
065-Nov 27, 2008 (19)
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National
Police Academy Hyderabad......... Rs 25
066- Dec 14, 2008 (20)
Indian Institute of Science ........Rs 25
067-Dec 22, 2008 (25)
BrahMos Missile .............Rs 25
068Jan 28, 2009 (50)
Heritage Monuments Preservation
by INTACH .............Rs 25
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Dream -A Beautiful Story
Contributed By - Shikha Aggarwal
He gently opened his eyes and the warm sun beat upon his face. He lay among the soft caress of the grass and a gentle wind embraced him. His father sat underneath a tree a few feet way beside the babbling brook.
"You are awake," his father smiled.
"I fell asleep dad."
"You did my son.
""I had a dream dad.
"His father rose and sat beside him. "Do you want to tell me about it?
""It was so real dad. I dreamt of missiles falling from the sky and little kids, even younger than I getting killed and maimed. The world was in a bad state. Millions were poor dad, not even with enough to eat. There were homeless people and destitute. There were huge storms and hurricanes and all types of disasters happening. People were fighting all of the time � over land, possessions, oil and money. Rainforests were dying dad and animals of all types were in danger and the earth was actually heating up! And I dreamt of growing up in this world and I was having happy times and sad times. And I lived a life dad. I did! I had a wife and kids and it was crazy fast you know. Everything went so quickly. And I felt so much. I was scared, full of joy, there was fear and hope. And so many times I felt helpless. And a lot of the time I felt so lonely. Worst of all dad, I didn't know where you were. I kinda knew you were there somewhere and I kept calling out for you. In fact sometimes I gave up hope and told myself that you didn't exist at all. But deep down I had a feeling you were somewhere. As I grew older I stopped searching for you out there and started looking within. Which was strange really but I kinda felt you were a part of me dad just as I was a part of you. It was full on dad and then I just woke up!
"His father looked at him with love in his wise eyes. "That�s some dream son!"
"How long was I asleep dad?"
"Mmmmmm perhaps 5 minutes... not much more."
"Wow! All of that in 5 minutes?"
The son looked knowingly at his dad for awhile.
"Dad that was my first dream."
"I know son... and your last... if you so choose."
"Yes my son?"
"Did you know I was dreaming?"
"Why yes, of course.
"The son reflected on this for a moment.
"So dad, during the bad parts of the dream did you know I was suffering?"
"My son, you may have appeared to be suffering in the dream but were always perfectly safe with me here.
""You could have woken me?"
"I could, but I didn't. You would have woken with a start. It would have been a little frightening for you that way. You gently came out of the dream yourself. You choose to enter the dream state. It is best if you choose to exit.
"The son stretched out on the grass.
""Yes my son.
""I love you.
""I know my child. We are love."
By- Diarmuid Cronin
Thought for the day
Sent by Shikha Aggarwal
Use every letter you write, every conversation you have, every meeting you attend, to express your fundamental beliefs and dreams. Affirm to others the vision of the world you want. You are a free, immensely powerful source of life and goodness. Affirm it. Spread it. Radiate it. Think day and night about it and you will see a miracle happen: the greatness of your own life.
Dr. Robert Muller
Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Share Market
Sent by - Sumit Aggarwal
If you want to know where a market is going, all you have to do is this.(He threw his charts on the floor and jumped up on his desk.) Look atit, it will
tell you!-Jack Boyd as told by Larry Hite
If you diversify, control your risk, and go with the trend, it just hasto work.-Larry Hite
The biggest public fallacy is that the market is always right. Themarket is nearly always wrong. I can assure you of that.-JamesB. Rogers, Jr.
Be aware of change. Buy change. You should be willing to buy orsell anything. So many people say, “I could never buy that kindof stock.”-James B. Rogers, Jr.
The psychological factor for investing has 5 areas. These includea well-rounded personal life, a positive attitude, the motivation to makemoney, lack of conflict [such as psychological hang ups about success],and responsibility for results.-Dr. Van K. Tharp
The realization that you are responsible for your results is the keyto successful investing. Winners know they are responsible for their results; losers think they are not.
-Dr. Van K. Tharp
If you want to know where a market is going, all you have to do is this.(He threw his charts on the floor and jumped up on his desk.) Look atit, it will

If you diversify, control your risk, and go with the trend, it just hasto work.-Larry Hite
The biggest public fallacy is that the market is always right. Themarket is nearly always wrong. I can assure you of that.-JamesB. Rogers, Jr.
Be aware of change. Buy change. You should be willing to buy orsell anything. So many people say, “I could never buy that kindof stock.”-James B. Rogers, Jr.
The psychological factor for investing has 5 areas. These includea well-rounded personal life, a positive attitude, the motivation to makemoney, lack of conflict [such as psychological hang ups about success],and responsibility for results.-Dr. Van K. Tharp
The realization that you are responsible for your results is the keyto successful investing. Winners know they are responsible for their results; losers think they are not.
-Dr. Van K. Tharp
Auspicious pose

Sent by - Shikha Aggarwal
Sit a simple, cross-legged pose.Adjust your feet: place your right sole against the left thigh.Using your hands, pull up the left foot, so the left sole is now against the right thigh.
If you feel the ankle bones on shin, just place a small towel in between to cushion the contact.You may find it comfortable to sit on a small cushion or a rolled up Yoga mat.Sit with the back erect for a few minutes, with eyes shut.
Avoid: all such cross-legged poses if having a severe lower back problem or knee pain.Benefits:
This cuts off the blood flow to the legs and redirects it to the brain, calming it tremendously.Is soothing for those who have been on their feet for long.Relieves fluid retention.Is a powerful distressed pose.
This cuts off the blood flow to the legs and redirects it to the brain, calming it tremendously.Is soothing for those who have been on their feet for long.Relieves fluid retention.Is a powerful distressed pose.
Remedies to Sore throat

Sent by - Shruti Aggarwal
A sore throat usually means you have a cold or the flu. Is can also be caused by dry air, pollution, or simply hooting and hollering too loud at a football game. When you are sick of course it may take a few days before your throat is entirely back to normal. But there are many ways to get quick relief.Have a soothing gargle: this is very effective traditional remedy. Add a tea spoon of salt to a cup of warm water and gargle away.Pause for a moment of silence: giving your voice a rest will help ease a sore throat by reducing strain on the vocal cords.Breathe soothing moisture: breathing in moisture – either by taking a long steamy shower or simply plugging in a humidifier will help protect to delicate linings inside the throat and make them less irritated.
Reach for tea and honey: any warm beverage can make a sore throat feel better, but tea is especially good because it contains compounds called tannins, which can ease the irritation.
Back pain

Sent by -Shruti Aggarwal
Your back is incredibly versatile. We adults, continue to take our backs for granted. We sit for hours at a time,which is extremely hard on the back.
Some back problem are serious,what can you do to get back in action is:
Spend a few days in bed if you are having more than mild pain. But don't lie around longer than that unless your doctor says so. Constant bed rest weakens muscles,which can make the pain worse.
Cool it: Several times a day, apply packs of ice wrapped in towels to your painful areas for sometime and repeat it several times.
Then warm it up: when the worst pain has died down, change your treatment to cold to hot. This will help improve blood circulation and allow the injury to heal more quickly.
Train your back to be ache resistant. Strengthen your back muscles and improve your overall flexibility.
Whenever possible, sit in chairs that provide good lower- back support and avoid back pain.
To control dry skin

Sent by -Shruti Aggarwal
Take a shower before bedtime to make you feel fresh. But do not soak in the tub for longer time. Your body will loose moisture.
Drink lots of water daily, it is a best moisturizing treatment done from the inside.
Don’t ever leave your skin extremely dry; apply moisturizer everyday to avoid itchiness.
Skin lacks water, so apply moisturizer when the skin is wet.
To keep your hands from drying out, wear gloves to wash dishes.
To double the power of moisturizing apply Vaseline and cover it with a pair of socks to lock in the moisture.
Take a shower before bedtime to make you feel fresh. But do not soak in the tub for longer time. Your body will loose moisture.
Drink lots of water daily, it is a best moisturizing treatment done from the inside.
Don’t ever leave your skin extremely dry; apply moisturizer everyday to avoid itchiness.
Skin lacks water, so apply moisturizer when the skin is wet.
To keep your hands from drying out, wear gloves to wash dishes.
To double the power of moisturizing apply Vaseline and cover it with a pair of socks to lock in the moisture.
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