Saturday, May 29, 2010
Contributed By - Kunal Mittal
There are just a few aspects of life that we can truly control, and it’s useful to know just what those areas are. If you don't know, you’ll spend a lot of time blaming others for your own failings. Try and exert too much control in areas you shouldn't and the universe will createSome interesting ways to remind of your place.
So be prepared and learn the 10 things in life that you DO control:
1. What you do.
Your actions are yours alone. You choose to make them or not make them and you are responsible for the effects of those actions.
2. What you say.
Likewise, the words you speak (or write) are also consciously chosen. Like actions, they have an impact on your life and the lives of those you contact.
3. What you think.
Yes, there are some subconscious thoughts that you can't control. But the things that you really think about, your beliefs, your ideals, etc. are concepts you have chosen to accept and believe in.
4. Your work -
Many people like to overlook this one, it being much easier to say "Oh, I'm trapped in my job because I don't have a degree, experience, etc. "Hogwash! That's simple a way of denying one's responsibility in having chosen the job in the first place. It's your job and you chose it. IfYou stay (or go), that's a choice as well.
5. The people you associate with.
There's a famous t-shirt that states: "It's hard to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys." Colloquial is very often correct! Your friends can either lift you up or bring you down. You make the decision which type of friends you wish to have.
6. Your basic physical health.
Much about our health is a factor of genetics, environment, and exposure. Much more of our health is simply a matter of the things we choose: diet, exercise, drugs, sleep, routine physicals, check-ups, etc.
7. The environment you live in.
Your house, the condition of your home, the town you live in, the amenities available to you are all things you can control, although some to a lesser degree (i.e., you decide to tolerate them or move some place else).
8. Your fiscal situation.
Having or not having enough money is a factor of what you make versus what you spend.
9. Your time.
You choose how to "spend" your time and how much of your time to give to various activities. You'll never get more time than the 24 hours you’re given each day.
10. Your legacy.
All your actions, words, and knowledge that you share while you a reliving become the gift that you leave when you are gone.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Know about Fatigue

Sent by - Shikha Aggarwal
May be you are going to bed earlier each night but are still waking up feeling like you haven’t had enough sleep.
People are feeling more tired than ever before, and there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight.When you don’t get enough fluids, cells through your body, including the brain, begin to run dry, which can sap your energy.
Don’t wait until you feel thirsty; drink at least eight glasses a day.
Don’t have drinks which contain caffeine, it removes more fluids from your body than it puts in.
To fight fatigue, put more variety into your life.
Going for walks,
reading new books - will help you feel more motivated and energized by life.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Health - Aloevera
Aloevera is most powerfull natural herbs in world. The miraculous aloe leaf contains over 75 nutritional components and 200 other compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins.
Solve your A To Z problems with Aloevera.
Aloevera helps in all chronic diseases like Over weight,Arthritis, Diabeties, Asthma, Heart blokage, High B.P., Digestive disorder, Acne, Hair fall, Lack of energy, Migrane, Skin problems, Sexual Problems, and many more..
Solve your A To Z problems with Aloevera.
Aloevera helps in all chronic diseases like Over weight,Arthritis, Diabeties, Asthma, Heart blokage, High B.P., Digestive disorder, Acne, Hair fall, Lack of energy, Migrane, Skin problems, Sexual Problems, and many more..
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Why Many Traders Loss Money?
They lack discipline: It takes an accumulation of knowledge and sharp focus to trade successfully. Most traders would rather listen to the advice of others than take the time to learn a trading system. Let’s face it: Most people are lazy when it comes to trading. Although money may be the most important concern they have, and earning it, the most important goal they work towards, learning how to invest it is low on their to do list.
They are impatient: Traders have an insatiable need for action. It may be the adrenaline rush they’re after. It may be their gambler’s mentality. It may be they feel life is passing them by, and they say, It’s now or never. Trading is never: now or never. Trading is about patience and objective decision-making.
Traders do not trade objectively: Many traders have the habit of not cutting losses fast enough. It goes against their grain to sell. At the same time they often get out of winners too soon. It sounds simple, but it takes emotional disengagement to trade objectively.
Traders personalize losses: Some speculators don't have the temperament to accept small losses in a trade. They take each loss as a personal failure.
Traders are greedy: They try to pick tops or bottoms in hopes they’ll be able to time their trades to maximize their profits.
Traders won’t admit to reality: They are not willing to believe the only truth there is: The truth of price. As a result, they act contrary to the trend, and, deluding themselves, they lose.
Traders buy and hold: Out of fear, they hold on to losers, anxiously watching them tank, but taking no action. When they finally sell, they are angry and embarrassed, yet they still buy and hold because they are rigid about change.
Traders act impulsively: They often jump into a market based on a story in the morning paper. The market has already discounted the data, or it is outdated and misleading information.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Bad breathe !!

Sent by- Shruti Aggarwal
To find out why- and to avoid those potentially embarrassing moments- read on
Don't dine with the garlic family: spices tend to stay and recirculate through essential oils they leave in your mouth. Depending on how much you eat, the odor can stay in your mouth up to 24 hours. No matter how often you fresh your teeth. Such foods to avoid include onions, hot peppers and garlic.
Stick with water: Coffee, beer, wine and whiskey are at the top of the list of liquid offenders. Each leave a residue that can attach to the plaque in your mouth and infiltrate your digestive system.
Carry a tooth brush:Some odors can be eliminated-permanently or temporarily- if you brush immediately after a meal.
Rinse your mouth out: when you cant brush,you can rinse. Go to the rest room after meals and get a mouthful of water, swish it around and wash the smell of food from your mouth.
Gargle a minty mouthwash:Gargling with a mouthwash is a great idea. Or a breathe mint or minty gum is just a cover up.
Take Care
Friday, May 21, 2010
1 Never hold fewer than 10 different securities covering five different fields of business.
#2 At least once in six months reappraise every security held.
#3 Keep at least half the total fund in income-producing securities.
#4 Consider yield the least important factor in analyzing any stock.
#5 Be quick to take losses, reluctant to take profits.
#6 Never put more than 25% of a given fund into securities about which detailed information is not readily and regularly available.
#7 Avoid "inside information" as you would the plague.
#8 Seek facts diligently, advice never.
#9 Ignore mechanical formulas for valuing securities.
#10 When stocks are high, money rates rising, business prosperous, at least half a given fund should be placed in short-term bonds.
#11 Borrow money sparingly and only when stocks are low, money rates are low or falling, and business depressed.
#12 Set aside a moderate proportion of available funds for the purchase of long-term options on promising companies whenever available.
#2 At least once in six months reappraise every security held.
#3 Keep at least half the total fund in income-producing securities.
#4 Consider yield the least important factor in analyzing any stock.
#5 Be quick to take losses, reluctant to take profits.
#6 Never put more than 25% of a given fund into securities about which detailed information is not readily and regularly available.
#7 Avoid "inside information" as you would the plague.
#8 Seek facts diligently, advice never.
#9 Ignore mechanical formulas for valuing securities.
#10 When stocks are high, money rates rising, business prosperous, at least half a given fund should be placed in short-term bonds.
#11 Borrow money sparingly and only when stocks are low, money rates are low or falling, and business depressed.
#12 Set aside a moderate proportion of available funds for the purchase of long-term options on promising companies whenever available.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Why Do Trend Traders Win the Big Money?
Ted Williams. -
The man epitomizes the word "discipline". Trend Followers, like Williams, wait for their pitch -- and then whack it for homeruns
.Now think for a moment about investment sites such as all of the stock tip chat houses. They are useless when it comes to helping you to make money in the long run. Why? There is no discipline. They say there is a good pitch to hit everyday. This is far from true.There are typically three stages an investor goes through before they become successful.
Building discipline starts with an understanding of these points:
Easy Money: The first stage involves thinking there is easy money to be made. This is the thinking of a newbie. Often, after a big stock tip gone wrong or a couple great broker recommendations that lose serious money, you enter the second stage.
I need a plan: The second stage begins when an investor or trader decides a plan is needed to win. The problems begin when the search for a plan becomes a search for the Holy Grail. And we all know there is no Holy Grail. What is needed is more than just a "system". What is needed is you following the system.
This leads to stage three.
I'm responsible for my success: Stage three comes when the investor or trader realizes that success comes from inside the person, not outside. To achieve true success you must understand the market is not responsible, you are. There is no one to blame or compliment but yourself when it comes to trading. So find a solid plan and follow it.Trend Following demands that you detach emotions from your trading and maintain exacting discipline. Trend Following, for example, can be a winning plan, but you must be disciplined to do the hard (and right) thing everyday.
The man epitomizes the word "discipline". Trend Followers, like Williams, wait for their pitch -- and then whack it for homeruns
.Now think for a moment about investment sites such as all of the stock tip chat houses. They are useless when it comes to helping you to make money in the long run. Why? There is no discipline. They say there is a good pitch to hit everyday. This is far from true.There are typically three stages an investor goes through before they become successful.
Building discipline starts with an understanding of these points:
Easy Money: The first stage involves thinking there is easy money to be made. This is the thinking of a newbie. Often, after a big stock tip gone wrong or a couple great broker recommendations that lose serious money, you enter the second stage.
I need a plan: The second stage begins when an investor or trader decides a plan is needed to win. The problems begin when the search for a plan becomes a search for the Holy Grail. And we all know there is no Holy Grail. What is needed is more than just a "system". What is needed is you following the system.
This leads to stage three.
I'm responsible for my success: Stage three comes when the investor or trader realizes that success comes from inside the person, not outside. To achieve true success you must understand the market is not responsible, you are. There is no one to blame or compliment but yourself when it comes to trading. So find a solid plan and follow it.Trend Following demands that you detach emotions from your trading and maintain exacting discipline. Trend Following, for example, can be a winning plan, but you must be disciplined to do the hard (and right) thing everyday.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Share Mkt lessons from 2008--
1)In panics there is almost nowhere to make money without taking excessive risk
2)Timing entries and exits to oversold & overbought conditions helps achieve low-risk/high-reward entries
3)There is no such thing as a safe investment
4)Markets are dysfunctional, corrupt, and have no oversight
5)To let a stock prove itself to me, prior to jumping in based on my analysis alone
6)The ability to change and adapt to market conditions quickly is more important than I thought
7)Don’t look back on missed opportunities but to look ahead for the next one
8)Buy & hold is dead
9)Discipline to a plan is crucial
10)I always tend to make the same mistakes (not having enough patience and trying to get the maximum return in the shortest period)
11)You cannot be complacent in face of headwinds
12)To accept a small gain rather than always looking for a home run
13)Ignore the noise - focus on price action and you’ll do fine!
14)You must take time to analyze your position through multiple time frames
15)Do not succumb to “green screen fever”
16)Just when you think a stock price can’t get any lower, it goes much lower!
17)Takes a long time to build profits and very little time to lose it all. Risk management is key
18)Get a handle on psychology - yours AND the market’s
19)You have to be in it to win it
20)It’s better to wait for the right setup than it is to force something that isn’t there
21)Keep a better trading journal so I can go back and review things
22)There is even more manipulation in the stock market than I ever dreamed
23)- trading is a confidence game. Once you’ve lost it, go to cash until it returns
2)Timing entries and exits to oversold & overbought conditions helps achieve low-risk/high-reward entries
3)There is no such thing as a safe investment
4)Markets are dysfunctional, corrupt, and have no oversight
5)To let a stock prove itself to me, prior to jumping in based on my analysis alone
6)The ability to change and adapt to market conditions quickly is more important than I thought
7)Don’t look back on missed opportunities but to look ahead for the next one
8)Buy & hold is dead
9)Discipline to a plan is crucial
10)I always tend to make the same mistakes (not having enough patience and trying to get the maximum return in the shortest period)
11)You cannot be complacent in face of headwinds
12)To accept a small gain rather than always looking for a home run
13)Ignore the noise - focus on price action and you’ll do fine!
14)You must take time to analyze your position through multiple time frames
15)Do not succumb to “green screen fever”
16)Just when you think a stock price can’t get any lower, it goes much lower!
17)Takes a long time to build profits and very little time to lose it all. Risk management is key
18)Get a handle on psychology - yours AND the market’s
19)You have to be in it to win it
20)It’s better to wait for the right setup than it is to force something that isn’t there
21)Keep a better trading journal so I can go back and review things
22)There is even more manipulation in the stock market than I ever dreamed
23)- trading is a confidence game. Once you’ve lost it, go to cash until it returns
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